Monday, February 7, 2011

Gadget Time - Time On Our Hands!

What a difference!  Awoke this morning to many more inches of snow, here in Michigan.  It’s lovely and cold and a little back-breaking.  It reminds me of a very small but important addition to my quilt room.
I admit it – I’m getting older.  Just 3 more weeks to my 41st birthday.  And one thing I’ve noticed is that I’m not as flexible and resilient as I used to be!  (Don’t get me wrong – I move pretty fabulously for a big girl, but…. time is making itself known!)
Several years ago I read in a magazine about the importance of ergonomics in the quilt room.  It is the ultimate repetitive movement location – chain piecing and machine stippling over and over again.  Sometimes, when we get caught in the thrill of a project, we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves.  The magazine suggested setting a timer near your machine, reminding you to get up and move!
I have an inexpensive clip-on timer attached to a little basket set right behind my machine (yes, just slightly out of reach so I HAVE to get up to turn it off).  When I know I’ll be working on something for awhile, I’ll press the button and 45 minutes later – voila!  A reminder to get up, stretch, flex those back muscles, change that load of laundry, etc.
No need to shorten our years of quilting because we forgot to move once in awhile!
Thanks for listening!

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