Spent a glorious Saturday wondering around the
Detroit Zoological Gardens with the family. Call me biased, but it really is the most wonderful place to have an annual membership. I live about a half mile from there so I can stop whenever I want to see the animals, walk among the gorgeous flowers, look at the
Rackham Fountain - Hipstamatic app! |
Today, my brother (Jeremy, brother #5) and his family (Rocking Robyn and their son, Mr. Energy), as well as my sister Lorna, introduced me to geocaching. To put it simply:
Geocaching is a global treasure hunting game. Participants hide & seek hidden physical containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share their adventures online.
The Detroit Zoo has four of them hidden there, and, as beginner's luck would have it, I found the first one first time out! (I hope I'm not breaking any unwritten rules by posting the pics here - I'm a newbie!) And, in case you were wondering.... there's an app for that!
We also saw SO many amazing animals today, also. They were posing for us! I've tried to select only a handful, but there are SO many!
This is the peacock I p*ssed off! It charged me! Look how close it got! |
Hope you enjoyed my little tour of the local zoo. It's an amazing place to get your Vitamin Z!
Please do not copy pictures from my blog without my permission first. Thanks!