Sunday, November 17, 2013
Dylan's Eagle Scout Project
Had a bit of fun with the Gooden family last week. Dylan is working on his Eagle Scout project. He assembled friends and family to whip up over 200 polar fleece blankets for Detroit Veterans.
I missed the first of two gatherings but made this one. I had volunteered my quilting skills but was told he had volunteer cutters. So, imagine my surprise when I showed scissor-less only to find we had to cut our own. Ugh.
All those beautiful, expensive scissors and rotary cutters at home... And all I had access to was the rusty utility pair seen here. I sent Steve off with a flee in his ear until he found me a more usable pair. (He's a good sport! All in fun)
It must've worked - between Steve, his daughter and myself, we assembled 7 in about 2 hours!
These were my first polar fleece blankets. We laid out 2 - 4'x10' polar fleece rectangles, wrong-side together. We cut a fringe through both layers and along all 4 sides at about 2"x4" (or 1 knuckle-width apart). Tie them together with granny knots.
And, Dylan met his goal. I was so impressed with his organization, his patience, his dedication. Good time had by all. Afterwards, the Gooden family convened for an early Thanksgiving dinner - they can cook!
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